International Students

Entrance into an undergraduate degree program (A.A. 或B.S.) is normally based on the following criteria:
  1. Submission of a completed application form and application fee ($40 non-refundable). Along with basic information, the application asks students to provide:
    • A 250 word response to the following question: "While studying at HIU, explain how you will work through your two greatest challenges and utilize your two greatest strengths? Where do you plan to be in five years and how will an education at HIU help you develop that plan?" This response is used for purposes of academic advising.
  2. Complete the Financial Options Guide. You will only need to complete pages 3, 7 and 8. (注意: if you are receiving a pre-arranged private scholarship you will fill out page 4 as well.)
  3. Submission of official high school transcripts indicating completion and a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5分(满分4分), a General Education Diploma (GED) indicating a minimum score of 47, or 12+ units of college coursework with a minimum 2.0的绩点.
  4. Submission of official transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended

    请注意: Students may enroll in our Online and Adult Programs without any prior college coursework. 然而, students may 不 start their Major Course Sequence until they have completed at least 24 college units, including English Composition. (It is recommended that 49 units be completed prior to the Major.) Students may earn such credits in our Online and Adult Programs, or they may complete the requirements elsewhere. For policies regarding transfer credits and credit by examination, refer to 'Academic 政策 and Regulations' in the HIU catalog.

    请注意: Foreign transcripts must be accompanied by a detailed evaluation completed by an agency specializing in foreign academic credentials (at the applicant's expense). Applicants who submit transcripts that must be translated and evaluated by a foreign transcript evaluation service, without also submitting college/university transcripts from an English-speaking institution, must furnish official scores from a TOEFL examination taken within the last five years with a minimum score of 550.

  5. Online and Adult 项目 do 不 admit students who have been placed on academic suspension, or disciplinary probation or suspension, by a不her educational institution (including Traditional Undergraduate Programs) within the past 12 months.
Any applicant 不 meeting the above-stated requirements may petition for special consideration by the Online Undergraduate 招生 Committee.

You may contact the Graduate and Adult 招生 office at any time to determine your eligibility or to receive further information about Online Undergraduate 项目 (1-888-352-希望 or (电子邮件保护)). To apply for admission to the Online Undergraduate Program, complete and submit the application form and the non-refundable $40 application fee to the Graduate and Adult 招生 office. Click here to apply online now. 联系 each school you have attended to request a copy of your official transcripts to be sent to Hope International University.